Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Interesting Facts about Cheese

from filipe fortes

  • Cheese, Seattle, Washington

    Round One, before the wine

I took a wine and cheese pairing class last night, and learned a few things I’ll pass on to my millions of readers:

  • All Cheese Rind is Edible: Even the wax and foil (!) ones. Cheese makers spend time crafting the rinds to add to the flavor. Not all of the rinds taste great, but they’re edible.
  • Brie, and other soft cheeses, have less fat than hard cheeses: This is obvious in hindsight, but it’s because hard cheeses have less moisture, and therefore a higher percentage of fat.
  • The mold in blue cheeses is a penicillium: This was interesting for me because I’m allergic to the antibiotic version of Penicillin — but I have no symptoms when eating blue cheese (or my current favorite, soft Italian gorgonzola).
  • Non-pasteurized cheeses are legal in the US as long as they’re more than 60 days old: The libertarian in me tries not to imagine how much federal legislation exists around cheese.
  • Lactose intolerance is typically cow-milk intolerance: Most people are just fine with goat or sheep’s milk, as the intolerance stands from some cow-specific enzymes.
  • Traditional mozzarella (mozzarella di bufala) is made from water buffalo milk: I thought it was just a name, but it’s not. Apparently, there are some big water buffalo farms in California.
  • Goats have the highest proportional milk production of any farm animal

They also handed out the following chart, which shows the composition of various milks, by percent weight (the totals don’t add to 100 because I removed the Minerals column, do the math yourself if you’re curious):

Milk Type Fat Protein Lactose Water
Human 4.0 1.1 6.8 88
Cow 3.7 3.4 4.8 87
Cow: Holstein/Friesian 3.6 3.4 4.9 87
Cow: Brown Swiss 4.0 3.6 4.7 87
Cow: Jersey 5.2 3.9 4.9 85
Cow: Zebu 4.7 3.3 4.9 86
Water Buffalo 6.9 3.8 5.1 83
Yak 6.5 5.8 4.6 82
Goat 4.0 3.4 4.5 88
Sheep 7.5 6.0 4.8 80
Camel 2.9 3.9 5.4 87
Reindeer 17 11 2.8 68
Horse 1.2 2.0 6.3 90
Fin Whale 42 12 1.3 43

I’ve had Cow, Water Buffalo, Yak, Goat, and Sheep’s milk. I’m definitely curious about Reindeer and Fin Whale (how do they milk it?).

Saturday, November 3, 2007

椰浆饭和拉茶 ♦ Nasi Lemak and Teh Tarik

This is Nasi Lemak (Coconut rice). You can see briefly what is inside.

椰浆饭的材料: Ingredients for Nasi Lemak:
椰浆 Coconut milk
香兰叶 Pandan leaf
鸡腿 Chicken leg
鸡蛋 Eggs
Oyster/ Mussel
江鱼仔 Anchovy
花生 Peanuts
黄瓜 Cucumbers
蒜米 Garlic
大洋葱和小红洋葱 Onions and Shallots
马来虾膏粉 Belacan
辣椒干 Dried Chilli
黄姜粉Turmeric Powder
面粉 Flour

The rice is cooked like normal just that not with water, but with coconut milk. Actually should put pandan leaf, but we can't get it here.

Fried Chicken Part:

Marinate the chicken with salt, sugar, soy sauce, the most important is Turmeric powder, malay use it like chinese Five-spice powder ...

And then stick some egg and flour, then fry. If the chicken pieces are too big, try to fry them twice, once with hot oil and then once with warm oil. Or another lazy way is to put into the microwave and cook them (if you have no choice), but the meat juice will flow out and the skin will not be crispy anymore.

Frying Eggs part:

just stir the eggs and put some soy sauce in it. (I heard that if you add salt will release clorine gas something like that, so i don't put salt anymore)

fry to pieces like this...

cut to slices like this...

Sambal is the soul of this dish.

you need some onions in ring form...

These small red Shallots are very important, the fragrance is from them...

那几陀被搅成稀巴烂的是:(12点起顺时钟)辣椒干,大洋葱,红色小洋葱仔,蒜米。。。还有很重要的belacan粉,和sambal oelek一罐(这样就不用自己弄这么多咯 :P)。。。
Those like shit are: (from 12 o'clock clockwise direction) dried chili, onions, shallots, garlic...and very imporant is belacan powder, and a bottle of sambal oelek (so that you don't need to make so much on your own :P)

fry those sutff on above with your own feel....this is sambal with prawn...

this is sambal with mussel...

fry some Anchovy...heat some we just use this king of peanut in can, don't be so fussy lah!~~

ok, all the stuff are ready...

for one person is something like this...

Teh Tarik

boil hot water and pour into the filter with tea leaves (taste like red tea) in it, add some condensed milk and sugar...

拉一拉让空气接触一下,这就是马来西亚出名的Teh Tarik(拉茶),说穿了其实跟香港的丝袜奶茶差不多啦!~~:P
pull it with 2 cups and so that the tea has a contact with air, this is the famous malaysia Teh Tarik, but actually taste something like Hong Kong-style milk tea.

云吞面 ♦ Wonton noodle

Wonton noodle or wanton mee is a Cantonese noodle dish which is popular in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore.

全部材料: All ingredients:
云吞皮 Wonton Skin
鸡精块 Chicken Cube
炸洋葱 Fried Onions
黑甜酱 Sweet Soy Sauce
番茄酱 Tomato Sauce
辣椒酱 Chili Sauce
胡椒粉 Pepper
蒜米 Garlic
冬菇 Mushroom
酱油 Soy Sauce
西兰花 Broccoli
肉碎 Minced meat
蚝油 Oyster Sauce

Wonton part:
陷料做法请看 To read about preparing the filling please read:

buy wonton skin, put the filling in it, put some water and fold it...

some put into the soup and boil (just simply use chicken cube to cook the soup), and fry the others...

ok, done, put in a small bowl...

Noodle part:

this is the noodle that we use, it taste like wonton noodle but actually a kind of italy noodle...boil it and put into cold water after that....put aside....

put some sauces on the plate: a bit oil, fried onions, sweet soy sauce, tomato sauce, chili sauce, pepper powder...

then fry some garlics, mushrooms, a bit minced meat....add some soy sauce....put on the plate...
the noodle put on it and mix them is called "kon lo wonton mee"!~~

Decoration part:
simply fry the brocolli with some garlic and oyster sauce...

put brocolli on the left, fried wonton on the right, the noodles in the middle...

simple but beautiful combination... ;)